Manufacturer Webinar Training Slides

The CGDP Manufacturer Webinar Training Slides are now available on the TPA Operations website.
The slides are provided in module form and provide the steps necessary to access and maneuver through the CGDP DPP portal. There are seven modules that will take you from the beginning (Home Tab) to the end (Reports Tab).
As a reminder, the invoice data for 2015 Q1 has already been uploaded to the Payments tab in the CGDP DPP portal for training purposes. Manufacturers and Sponsors should continue to make payments directly to payees and confirm payments through the TPA for all quarters from Q1 2015 and prior reporting periods.
For additional information on the New Direct Payment Process, please visit our website at new - New Direct Payment Process Information.  If you have any questions or concerns, please contact TPA either by email at, or by telephone at 1-877-534-2772, Option 1.

Last Updated: 05/04/2015